Yoga and Anxiety Treatment
Anxiety is the outcome of continuous fear, unnecessary thoughts, tension etc. Yoga helps to relax, and release tension, stress, strain and anxiety. Yoga, a component of alternative medicine, plays a bigger role in
mental health thereby control anxiety and panic disorders. Yoga, yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, is beneficial in curing of anxiety and panic attack. Yoga poses ensure balanced blood supply to brain thereby ease anxiety and improves mood.
- Padmasana is helpful in relieving the physical, nervous and emotional problems.
- Shavasana is highly useful for stress related physical or mental tiredness. This is the yoga posture effective to reduce stress.
- Makarasana relieve the physical and mental tiredness.
- Pranayama helps a more peaceful state of mind by reducing stress and negative thinking. This is beneficial for all types of anxiety disorders.
- Sheetli pranayama plays vital roles in curing of panic attack disorders by keeping the mind cool and calm.
- Sheetkari pranayama minimized the impact of irritation, restlessness and impatience.
- Nadi Sodhana Pranayama quite effective to calm the body.
- Meditation focuses concentration and keeps your fears away.
- Meditation is effective to lower the level of anxiety.
- Forward and backward bending poses reduces excessive anxiety.
- Yoga Nidra acts on the subconscious level to bring about a state of homeostasis in the body and mind.
- Asanas maintain a healthy nervous system,
Anxiety and Ayurvedic Management
Ayurveda is a vital component of AYUSH that can bring balance between health body and anxiety. Ayurveda cures anxiety through simple natural treatment and ayurvedic medicine and herbal medicine. Various ayurvedic herbs are available to reduce the level of anxiety with ease. These days herbal tea for anxiety is also being used.
- Drop Basil leaves juice in the nostrils to soothe brain and used as ayurvedic treatment for anxiety.
- Use of ayurvedic herbs juice like Shankhushpi or Petha or Brahmi into the nasal show good result for anxiety.
- Ashwagandha handle stress effectively.
- Bacopa alleviates mental stress and exhaustion.
- Clarocet is good who is suffering from anxiety, depression and insomnia.
- Orange juice + honey are used as ayurveda for anxiety as well as to lessen heart beat.
- Grind almond + Milk + Saffron + Ginger + Nutmeg also help in calming down.
- Whole body massage reduces anxiety.
- For calming effect use tea of Tagar + Musta + 1 cup of warm water.
- Orange juice + Honey + Nutmeg powder are useful to relieve anxiety as well as lessen heart beat rate.
- Bath with Ginger + Baking soda helps to soothe anxiety.
Homeopathic Treatment and Anxiety
- Ignatia amara, a product from the fruits of Strychnos ignatia, is quite effectiv for grief and used as homeopathic treatment for anxiety to ease from panic disorders.
- Homeopathic medicine like Natrum muriaticum keeps away focus from negative feelings and insults.
- Aconite napelus is used when somebody is experiencing great shock, even fear of death.
- For interview/examination/test anxiety used yellow jasmine.
- Staphysagria- for emotional anxiety.
- Aconitum napellus is used in case of immense anxiety.
- Argentum nitricum is helpful to overcome an anxiety before a big event like interview, marriage, public speech etc.
- Arsenicum album is given who is deep concern of their health and security.
- Calcarea carbonica is a remedy who starting fear due to illness and over worked.
- Gelsemium when somebody experiencing mental uneasiness weakness out of fear.
- Anxiety develops out of extreme workload from workplace, Kali phosphoricum is the suitable option.
- Lycopodium is recommended for mental stress and poor self confidence.
- When the patient is surrounded by acute anxiety, Phosphorous is suggested.
Hey I have read your blog post great information you have shared about ayurvedic treatment for Anxiety. Its beneficial for us thanks for sharing..