Honey has long been used among the foremost acne treatments. It has helped huge numbers of people and acts as a natural defensive product from the growth of acne. The reason for this is based on the application of honey helps greatly!
fact that honey contains sugar and water, the molecules of each of which bind tightly to each other, thus preventing the bacterias from binding with the molecules contained in your skin, hence ultimately limiting the development of bacteria. Continuous
Use of Honey for Acne
1.Honey with water:
Drinking honey with tepid to warm water will remove your body toxins. Water works well for replenishing your skin tissues and keeping the body hydrated.
2. Honey with nutmeg:
Mix Nutmeg powder and honey to create a paste, and apply it in your face. Leave it overnight for better result. Nutmeg with honey helps you to remove your scars and eliminate acne out of your face.
3.Honey with Aspirin:
Honey combined with powdered aspirin can be applied in your face for about 20 minutes. The salicylic acid contained in aspirin kill acne causing bacteria.
4.Honey with cinnamon:
Have a spoon of cinnamon powder and blend with honey. Apply in your face, and leave it overnight. Cinnamon’s anti-microbial properties coupled with honey will do wonders for anybody.
5. Honey with lemon:
Every single day drink a glass of lemonade prepared with fresh lemon. Add honey rather than sugar. The vitamin c rich lemon using its citric acid will kill some bacteria besides keeping the skin healthy. Mix honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal quantity and use the mix on your face. Let it rest for 20 minutes then wash with water.The lemon removes the dead skin cells and dirt from the surface of the skin.
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