Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Eating Healthy Snack That Boost Your Energy

Our energy is integrally connected to the foods we eat. The foods we choose to put in our body can either boost our energy, or drag us down. Here are great energizing foods that will support our general well-being and health.

Health Foods:

Coconut water:
Drinking coconut water is one of the best ways to naturally rehydrate the body. It is packed full of electrolytes and has detoxifying properties. Young coconuts are best, but are not always convenient. You can find coconut water in cartons in most health food grocery stores these days.

Green Salad:
There’s nothing like a nice, green salad to provide an energy burst. Greens are filled with vitamins and minerals, and digest fairly quickly so you’ll feel the energy. Use a light dressing that includes lemon, and this is a perfect way to get some nutrition when feeling low on energy.

Watermelon is a great snack, especially in the summer when it’s in season. It contains lycopene, which as mentioned earlier, has been linked to cancer prevention. Be sure to eat it on an empty stomach to experience its full benefits. As with other non-starchy/non-fatty fruits, it digests quickly and needs to pass out of the stomach so it doesn’t prematurely ferment behind slower digesting foods.

Pineapple is easy to digest, and contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps aids in digestion and has cleansing properties. Again, be sure to eat on an empty stomach and alone.

Blueberries are a delicious, energetic snack. These berries are also known to promote brain function and boost energy, so they are a good thing to eat before a test, or when you need to focus. They are abundant and in season at the moment!

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