Friday, September 20, 2013

Homemade Remedies For Whiten Skin

Many people can watch on the skin of your face and body a variety of spots. But few people can put up with such a course of events. It is therefore not surprising that today more and more people, especially women, are in search of methods to whiten their skin.

some simple homemade remedies and easy to put together home treatments that will whiten your skin to some degree, even if it’s only a very subtle lightening or brightening effect.

Home Remedies:

Useful for face and body skin will mask of strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. Selected fruits should grind and apply on face for half an hour.

The mask is based on this product is necessary to impose on the night. She is an excellent fight with freckles and other pigmented spots. You have to take the peel and apply it on the face, securing it with a bandage or other dressing.

On the basis of citrus can make huge amounts of money to whiten the skin. First, lemons simply be wiped cleaned of dirt face, also advisable to mix the lemon juice with honey and apply it as a mask. Currently on the market you can find a huge number of varieties of creams that help whiten skin. As a rule, their difference is based component of an agent.

Mercury Creams:
This tool is well whitens the skin, but it is not suitable for all women. Typically, this cream should prescribe the treating doctor.

Creams with Acids:
It was previously stated that the acids are of great importance in the bleaching of body skin. The advantage of such means is that it can be used for people with any type of skin. The main thing is to follow certain instructions on the application of the cream.

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